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   Clínica Victoria is a modern unit designed according to current standards for fertility treatments. We currently offer the full range of reproduction treatments to our patients: IVF, ICSI, IUI with partner or donor, embryo cryopreservation, Assisted Hatching, Time-lapse Embryo Monitoring System, Blastocyst culture , Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis and eggs donation. Our purpose in Clínica Victoria is only help you in your desire to bring a child into the world, making this the most comfortable and easy process that we can. Your dream is our dream; your desire is our desire and is that why we are here.


If you want to talk more about this, we are happy to hear you.


    For us to get success in your fertility treatment is everything. From the first inquiry to the end of treatment, a highly qualified team is with you to get the best result. All in Clínica Victoria we are focused to achieve your success.


   We've helped hundreds of couples to start building your family.


Nobody can offer a better chance of having a child than us. No one cares more.






To get pregnant you only need three things : you need to produce an egg (ovulation), you need to have good quality sperm and the egg and sperm need to be able to meet and fuse (fertilization) and implant. It sounds simple, but nowadays, between 15% and 17% of couples are not able to have a baby. In Spain about 800.000 couples suffer from fertility problems. Infertility can be caused by male (40%), female (40%) or combined (20%) factors due to the following medical causes:

   • In the case of men, the sperm counts are falling and as a result we see more men with:

      o Too few sperm

      o Not enough mobile or normal sperm

      o Minor genetic problems that affect sperm counts and quality

      o Impotence or premature and retrograde ejaculation

       o Genetic problems or past infection that have blocked the vas deferens (the tube which connects each testicle with the penis)

   • In the case of women, we can find different causes:

      o Egg problems: polycystic ovary syndrome, resulting in infrequent or no ovulation; increasing age, as a woman gets older, the quality of her eggs decreases and conception is more difficult.

      o Fallopian tube problems: tubes are blocked, past pelvic infection, past pelvic surgery

      o Endometriosis

      o Uterine problems such as fibroids

      o A combination of these factors


   ●    Common causes of infertility: extreme obesity, anorexia nervosa, severe illness, thyroid disorders,   drug abuse, taking medication, alcohol and tobacco and chemotherapy.


    ●   Social causes: women are delaying starting their families in order to develop their careers. Conception decrease in women from 35 years and the possibility of achieving a pregnancy is exceptional from 45. We also have to take into account that, at the present time, both men and women lead a very stressful life.


. There is a 20% of unexplained infertility.




 There is a difference between both terms because they refer etiologically to different problems:


   • Primary sterility is defined as the failure to get pregnant after one year of having regular, unprotected intercourse.

   • Secondary sterility means that after having a first child, there is a failure to achieve a new pregnancy after two or more years trying it.

   • Primary infertility is defined as the failure to carry a pregnancy to full term.

   • Secondary infertility means that after having a first child, there is a failure to carry a new pregnancy to full term.


In general, we could consider that couples must think in having a fertility study done when:


   1. they have difficulty in achieving a pregnancy after a year of having regular, unprotected intercourse.

   2. they wish to achieve a pregnancy and have past gynecology or andrology medical problems (ej. Genital past surgery, pelvic infection, genetical alterations, menstrual disorders....)

   3. they have had 3 or more consecutive abortions


Spanish Fertility  Society (SEF):